Activity, Charity



90 men and women were trained in Prevention of gender Based Violence in the 6 Communities as well as early response to GBV. Monitoring mechanisms were set up with community teams for investigating, follow up and reporting cases of GBV amongst and within IDPs and Host Communities.

60 community leaders were trained on Prevention of Extremism in Youth, Security and crises Management and Early Warning Early Response to cases of extremism in the 6 communities. Community EWER Teams were set up and equipped with communication gadgets to enhance communications with relevant stakeholders in handling of related cases.


132 Young girls and women were trained on book keeping, leadership, savings/loans and Trading in all the 6 communities. They were given small grants to revive their lost means of livelihoods.

Contributing to the Sustainable development goals (SDGs) 1 on ending poverty everywhere, speaks directly to our mission as an organisation.

One of our strategies in contributing to this goal includes building the capacities of rural women to flourish in various income-generating activities.

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