Peace building has become an essential part of our daily living. Globally, we have experienced countless violent conflict that has been in-existence from generation to generation. Nigeria today is currently facing countless challenges tied to issues of insecurity, development, governance, unemployment, poverty and conflict which has affected and will continue to affect structures of social cohesion. In the northeastern Nigeria, the underlining challenges are terrorism and insurgency. In the northwest, they experience issues of banditry, kidnapping, pastoralists and farmers conflict. In north central Nigeria, some of the challenges experienced include insurgency, Pastoralisst and Farmers conflicts, religious and ethnic conflict, while the south has militants and the south east have IPOB and other forms of regional agitation. This has hugely affected the economic and social activities of the regions negatively. Most of these regions have experienced communal conflict, political conflict and ethnic, religious violence that has in most cases led to destructive acts including the loss of lives and property
Peace building seeks to address the underlying causes of conflict, helping people resolve their differences peacefully and laying the foundations to prevent future violence. Peace Building is the development of constructive personal groups and relationships across ethnic, religious, political, class, national and racial boundaries, it transforms the structural conditions that generate deadly conflict. Peace building is an enabler of development, security, social and economic justice and reconciliation.
JDPH Peace building unit mostly uses a Community peace building approach which aims at developing trust, harmony, safety and enhance social cohesion within and between communities to strengthen the social, cultural capacities, to resolve disputes and conflict and to promote inter-ethnic, inter group interaction and dialogue.
MAY 2022
Conflict and Disaster Risk management training in Yobe State.

Training on Alternative to disputes Resolution (ADR) in Dugum LGA of Yobe State, Nigeria.

The Peacebuilding unit of JDPH has continued to Empower the community to resolve conflicts through alternative dispute resolution in Borno state, Nigeria

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