Board of Director

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About Me:

Education & Training

Mary James is a highly skilled development Worker. She has over 15 years of professional experience, skill, knowledge and expertise in West Africa, south Africa and the Middle East. she specializes in development works; peace building, community engagement, education, gender reconciliation , conflict resolution, projects writing, administration and financial accounting, trauma consciousness and resilience. Countering violence extremism. she was trained as a professional facilitator between 2009 and 2010 while volunteering with SELL Foundation.  She participated in development Education in training for transformation in south Africa and Kimmage Development Studies Centre, Dublin, Ireland. ( 2014-2015)  As part of career advancement, she received training in advanced Excel and quick books accounting from Professor Iya Abubakar Resource Centre, Bauchi in 2019. She also acquired training on Countering Violence Extremism from Care fronting Nigeria and Centre for Global and Cooperative Security in 2018. She also acquired Training on Organization Development by Miseancara, Ireland in 2019/2020.


Which Handeled By Me


$12,450 of $50,000 raised